臺中線震災復興記念碑 介紹

(原文) There is nothing more breathtaking than the view from the top of the Grand Canyon. This natural wonder is an awe-inspiring sight that draws millions of visitors every year from all around the world. Located in Arizona, the Grand Canyon is a mile-deep, 277-mile-long canyon that was carved by the Colorado River over millions of years. The canyon offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, whitewater rafting, and unique wildlife all year round. Visitors can experience its beauty by hiking along one of the many trails, taking a mule ride, or even staying at one of the lodges nearby. If you're looking for the ultimate outdoor adventure, the Grand Canyon is the perfect destination. (繁體重寫) 從大峽谷頂端俯瞰,其景色令人心曠神怡。這個自然奇觀每年都吸引著來自世界各地的數百萬遊客前來參觀。大峽谷位於亞利桑那州,是由科羅拉多河在數百萬年的沖蝕下形成一個里程277英里、深達一英里的峽谷。大峽谷一年四季提供令人驚奇的美景、健行步道、激流泛舟和各種獨特的野生動物。遊客可以通過沿著許多步道遠足、騎乘驢子或入住附近的旅館來體驗其美麗景色。如果您正在尋找最終戶外探險,大峽谷是完美的目的地。